Living In Past, Making Present Beautiful

Shubham Priya
3 min readDec 17, 2020

She was lost and confused. She feels broken and shattered. she was scared that she messed up everything. Nothing is going as her plan. No matter how hard she is trying to run everything smoothly, a DEVIL inside her always question her about her self-esteem & put her in self-doubt, always pressurize her about not being productive, always blame her for the failure of hers relation with people, always makes her feel that she does not worth anything.
She was in tears and the reason was DEVIL inside her was winning every day. But still, every night she fought with the devil and tried to smile because deep down she knew she is stronger than she thinks & it is just a phase, it will going to end, she will end this & she will win.
Everyone was advising her to move on, think about the future, flow with time, make this about her past & we should not live in the past because the past is painful.
she thought a lot, why future always, what if 2021 is worst than 2020? when we don’t know about the future, we cant visualize it then how can we depend on our happiness in the future.
Why not search for happiness, mental peace in the past as we all are aware of our past. All we have to do is just pick up those old days from our past when we were happy, satisfied, and in peace. what? you are not getting? Let me explain.
I am talking about old hobbies that made you happy, those small things you used to do to make yourself & others happy. so Be kind again, Be helpful again, Be innocent again, Be a little stubborn again, Be a customer again of that old shop you used to buy things.
Here half of her problem is solved, she paused on future-making. she took out her old bicycle from the garage & went on a walk on the same old route that she used to practice earlier. She is again decorating the home with lights and doing crafting. She is again writing on the left pages of her old diary. She is again dancing on that old playlist that she made a decade ago on her old computer. She is cooking for hers loved one, she is celebrating the day on the name of her birthday, loved one birthday, mother’s day, father’s day, etc. She participates with all her heart in every festival & puja.
She is happy & calm now. she is saying to the DEVIL, I WON. She is saying it is okay to pause in the journey of the present to the future. Let’s travel to the past & make your present beautiful. She does not try to smile, She smiles & spread among others.

